The Fun Cast Member Some Fans Would Like To See Added To Blue Bloods

Between assistant district attorneys, beat cops, detectives, and police commissioners, “Blue Bloods” has an extensive cast with varied professionals within law enforcement. Following the Reagan family, “Blue Bloods” currently has 14 seasons and has managed to scoop up four awards for their efforts in bringing the Reagans to life (via IMDb). “Blue Bloods” stars Tom Selleck, Donnie Wahlberg, Will Estes, and Bridget Moynahan, and each one represents a different facet of police work in New York City.

Generally, most of the “Blue Bloods” characters aren’t known for an overwhelming amount of “fun.” Sure, the hit series gets a few quick jokes in from time to time, but due to the subject matter of the show, there aren’t many moments for levity. Danny Reagan (Wahlberg) is a reactive detective that sometimes lets his emotions get the better of him.

Frank Reagan (Selleck) is the definition of old-school calm and collected, and is a life-long believer in justice. The humble Jamie Reagan (Estes) is the youngest of Frank’s progeny, and he enjoys being a beat cop with his boots on the ground. It is mentioned that he is the only beat cop with a Harvard Law degree, but he eventually accepts a promotion to the rank of Sergeant. Henry Reagan (Len Cariou) is Frank’s father, and he is known for his distaste of modern day sensibilities.

Recently, fans came together on Reddit to propose a fun new character for the show, and their suggestion definitely has tails wagging.

Blue Bloods fans would love to see a dog on the show

The conversation regarding a potential new cast member was kicked off on Reddit, with a user stating, “I think they need a new cast member. Henry and Frank need a dog. Maybe a retired police dog. I am thinking a Labrador Retriever or Bloodhound. Why? Because I think that it will make them appear more personable.”

Some Reddit users agreed, with u/ohlordwhyisthishere thinking that Frank is indeed a little stuffy, and could use some softening up. An astute fan named u/JerseyJedi brought up the fact that there has been a canine companion on “Blue Bloods,” and stated, “They already have a dog on the show: Jamko, the dog at Jamie and Eddie’s precinct (named after their ship name). Really, they’d just need to give Jamko more screen time, and I think most fans would like that!” Reddit user u/AStoryGood added that it would be nice to see that dog again, while user u/save-therhino would also like the dog to come back into the picture, but isn’t a fan of the name.

Redditor u/tsmiv added that there was an episode referencing a K9 program that Frank was involved with, but Frank had to leave that unit because he was becoming attached to the dog.

Judging by these comments, it definitely seems like fans can agree on two things -– that Frank could be a little bit more personable, and “Blue Bloods” could definitely use more dog-based story arcs.