Terence Hill Still Thinks A Lot About Co-Star And Friend Bud Spencer, Who Passed Away In 2016

Terence Hill still thinks a lot about co-star and friend Bud Spencer, who passed away in 2016

Király Levente recently wrote a book titled Zsugabubus about the life of Terence Hill. Among other things, the book reveals that Terence Hill still thinks a lot about her co-star and friend, who passed away in 2016. The pair’s worldwide success is often incomprehensible to him. with him to this day.

“Bud and I have always felt the same about our lucky encounter: it was a real blessing for both of us! The stories and facts about the duo Bud Spencer and Terence Hill still amaze me personally. It’s unbelievable how much love we get. It was interesting to learn from fan messages that everyone has a favorite out of the 17 movies that Bud and I did together. Everyone has their own story of why and how a movie became their favorite.”

Terence said, and later revealed what it means to him to have families who can inspire and motivate their films:

“There are families who come together, even for a ceremony, to watch our movies together, and there are people who get personal inspiration and motivation to tackle the questions in their lives. Dads recommending Bud and Terence movies to their kids, or just fans thanking us for the great entertainment they get from us. that we not only provide entertainment on screens and cinemas, but also as a part of many families’ lives.”

– says Terence Hill , you can learn more about his life through Levente Király ‘s book Zsugabubus .