Sam Elliott Is Right – 1883’S Shea & Thomas Need A Prequel

Sam Elliott is right about 1883 duo Shea and Thomas deserving their own spinoff. Yellowstone has become something of a TV empire for Paramount, with the Taylor Sheridan-created drama not only being one of America’s most-watched shows but also spawning several spinoffs. 1923 may have a starrier cast – including Harrison Ford and Helen Mirren – but 1883 might just be the most acclaimed of the bunch. This grueling Western saw the Dutton’s ancestors setting off along the Oregon Trail, and ended with them choosing – through tragic circumstances – the site for the Yellowstone ranch.

1883 could be a tough watch, but it was held together by great writing and performances. It also gave veteran actor Sam Elliott one of his best roles as Shea, which allowed him to play everything from gruff cowboy to emotionally devastated father and husband. Shea was the one who led the immigrant settlers along the trail, together with his partner and war buddy Thomas (LaMonica Garrett). Shea and Thomas were two of 1883’s most compelling characters, though the finale saw one of them die while the other found a new family.

Why Shea & Thomas Deserve A 1883 Prequel

From the beginning, 1883 was intended as a limited series with a definitive ending. However, in conversation with Variety, Elliott had his own 1883 prequel pitch that would follow Shea and Thomas after the Civil War and their time as Pinkertons. Yellowstone’s spinoffs so far have largely focused on the Duttons and their various struggles involving the ranch, but future shows will break away from the family somewhat such as Bass Reeves, a miniseries exploring the first Black U.S. Marshal. While Shea and Thomas’ story can’t continue beyond 1883, Elliott is right that there’s still plenty to explore with the duo.

Sheridan himself has a fascination with the Old West and the founding of America, and an 1883 prequel following Shea and Thomas is ripe with potential. Not only would it give Elliott and Garrett a chance to reprise two of the Yellowstone saga’s most characters, but it could dive deeper into their shared history. Viewers could actually get to see Shea’s family before they died of smallpox, in addition to how he and Thomas first met and became bonded for life. 1883 itself greatly expanded on the characters of James (Tim McGraw) and Margaret Dutton (Faith Hill), after their brief appearance during flashbacks in Yellowstone season 4.

Why A Shea & Thomas Yellowstone Spinoff Is Likely

Sheridan has become notoriously prolific since the Yellowstone franchise began, which includes creating and showrunning multiple series at once like Mayor Of Kingstown or Stallone’s Tulsa King. While Elliott didn’t confirm a Shea and Thomas show was really happening, he also stated it wasn’t off the table. Given Sheridan’s workaholic nature and the seeming blank check Yellowstone and its spinoffs has brought him, a Shea and Thomas spinoff feels like a real possibility. That said, the creator already has an intense workload with his other commitments, so it becomes a question of whether he has the time to make Elliott’s 1883 prequel dream come true.