Prepare For Action: 5 Things That Have To Happen To Duttons Before Yellowstone Finale

What else is in store for the Duttons?

The era of Yellowstone is coming to an end as the world is waiting for the second part of season 5 to be released soon. The show turned out to be a great success, and we think that if it wasn’t for Kevin Costner’s sudden exit, the series would have continued for several more seasons.

But now we have counted episodes to tell us what the future holds for all the members of the Dutton family, their friends and enemies. And frankly, there are a lot of things that need to happen before the show ends.

1. The death of John Dutton

Once again, with Costner’s departure from the show, there is no way that the showrunners would save his life. On the contrary, his brutal and painful death seems like a natural thing to happen, according to the show’s nature. Although there is still a chance that he would die in peace, of his cancer. There’s also no way to keep him alive somewhere in another universe, because that would only complicate things for the Yellowstone sequel series.

2. The future of Beth and Rip’s relationship

Although during many years these two have proven that their love can overcome any possible obstacle, there is still a high chance that this time their relationship will fail the test. With Rip heading to Texas and Beth staying in Montana, the chances of them staying together are really not that high.

3. What about Tate?

There’s a prophecy of the Crow chief that comes from 1883, the Yellowstone prequel show. It was stated there that Duttons can build their home on the lands of Paradise Valley, although seven generations later Crow people will claim it back. And now, as we know, Tate is half-Native American, and his mother grew up on Broken Rock Reservation. And if the ranch were to pass to him, the prophecy could be fulfilled and the land would have returned to the people who originally lived on it.

4. Monica’s true path

Monica is probably the only character whose motives changed several times throughout the series. She went from being the real villain to this likable girl who really earned a clear path towards the end of the series. For example, it would be great to see her and Kayce end up taking care of Broken Rock Reservation people.

5. What happens to the ranch?

So far, there’s no clarity on that question. We still don’t know who will inherit the ranch when (or if) John dies. Well, there are strong arguments for Rip or Kayce. And the worst thing would be to give it to Beth, since we already know that she would only sell it. So there’s still a lot to find out about the ranch and the people connected to it.