John Wayne: 6 Most Iconic Rooster Cogburn Quotes From ‘True Grit’

Movie star John Wayne found one of the most recognizable characters in his career with True Grit‘s Rooster Cogburn, who has plenty of iconic quotes. A 14-year-old girl named Mattie Ross (Kim Darby) seeks out Rooster to get revenge on Tom Chaney (Jeff Corey) after he murdered her father. Rooster has plenty of sharp, witty quotes, but here are the six most iconic ones.

‘True Grit’ lead Rooster Cogburn confronts four outlaws on the field

The first of the Rooster quotes involves him finally confronting Robert Duvall’s Ned Pepper. He asks, “What’s your intention? Do you think one on four is a dogfall?”

Cogburn responds, “I mean to kill you in one minute, Ned. Or see you hanged in Fort Smith at Judge Parker’s convenience. Which’ll it be?”

Ned then says, “I call that bold talk for a one-eyed fat man.”

Rooster concludes, “Fill your hand, you son of a b****!”

Rooster Cogburn always goes backward when backing away

Alfred Ryder’s Goudy and Rooster have a conversation that turns into sarcasm in more legendary quotes for the tough lead True Grit character.

Goudy said, “I believe you testified that you backed away from old man Wharton?” To which, Rooster simply responded, “Yes, sir.”
Goudy asked, “Which direction were you going?” Rooster shot back with a healthy dose of sarcasm in saying, “Backward. I always go backward when I’m backin’ away.”

Rooster Cogburn advises against looking back

Rooster encountered Ned before, so he knew what he was getting into when they were seeking him out. However, Mattie didn’t come into the situation with the same level of understanding.

“They don’t call him ‘Lucky’ Ned Pepper for nothing,” Rooster said, referring to his previous interaction with him.

“That man gave his life for him, and he didn’t even look back,” Mattie responded.
Rooster then said, “Looking back is a bad habit.”

Rooster Cogburn wants the dead buried

Rooster had a conversation with Captain Boots Finch that offered yet another line to add to the excellent True Grit quotes.

“Boots, I got Hayes and some youngster outside with Moon and Quincy,” Rooster said. “I want you to bury ’em for me. I’m in a hurry.”

Boots responded, “They’re dead?”

“Well, I wouldn’t want you to bury ’em if they wasn’t,” Rooster quipped back.

Rooster Cogburn describes Ned Pepper

True Grit sees Rooster describe Ned to Jeremy Slate’s Emmett Quincy, which further brings the character’s wit and charm to the forefront.

“When’s the last time you saw Ned Pepper?,” Cogburn asked. Quincy responded, “I don’t remember any Ned Pepper.”

“Short feisty fella, nervous and quick, got a messed-up lower lip,” Cogburn said.

Emmett: “That don’t bring nobody to mind. A funny lip?”

Rooster: “Wasn’t always like that, I shot him in it.”

Emmett: “In the lower lip? What was you aiming at?”

Rooster: “His upper lip.”

Rooster Cogburn’s departing words

Of all the quotes from Rooster, his final words are some of his most iconic. He speaks with Mattie, having finally developed a very endearing friendship with her. They gained a great amount of respect for one another.

Mattie: “Trust you to buy another tall horse.”

Rooster: “Yeah. He’s not as game as Beau, but Stonehill says he can jump a four rail fence.”

Mattie: “You are too old and fat to be jumping horses.”

Rooster: “Well, come see a fat old man some time!”