Jeremy Renner Reaches Yet Another Milestone With His Paramount Series As Taylor Sheridan Moves Camp From Kingstown To Yellowstone

Jeremy Renner, an actor who was a star even before he realized it, could display a range like no other. Catching his first big break with a hauntingly dark, disturbing, and traumatic lead in Dahmer (2002), Renner went on to bag 2 Oscar nominations for his roles in The Hurt Locker (2008) and The Town (2010). A year later, he joined the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Since Thor (2011), Jeremy Renner has stayed within the comfortable safety net of his Avengers role until Taylor Sheridan made him an offer he couldn’t refuse, so to speak. The Oscar-nominated filmmaker’s directorial debut, Wind River (2017), struck a chord with the actor.

He later went on to collaborate with Sheridan in Mayor of Kingstown, a series that surpasses expectations and delivers a thrilling commentary on America’s prison-incarceration economy.

Jeremy Renner Crosses a Milestone in His TV Career

There was once a time when movie actors wouldn’t dream of crossing over into the realm of television. Not only was the medium considered subpar to their line of work but was discarded to the back bleachers as a lesser form of artistic and creative expression. The times have changed, however.

Jeremy Renner arrives at a convenient turning point in the evolutionary history of the film and television industry where film actors not only vie for a television role but consider getting a guest/cameo role as an additional badge of honor in their body of work. For Renner, that work involves having a starring role as the titular lead in Taylor Sheridan’s Mayor of Kingstown.

Now, the acclaimed series crosses a milestone by completing its third season run on the Paramount+ streaming platform. Despite delivering a social critique of the prison incarceration system in America and the danger that flows through a town that survives on such an economy, Mayor of Kingstown does surprisingly well among the audience.

The Paramount+ series not only presents a dangerously compelling story but also draws the viewer in with a hypnotic plot that refuses to let one go until you have survived through all of its trauma and dramatic world-building. Moreover, Jeremy Renner’s New Year’s Day 2023 accident and his swift journey to a full (and miraculous) recovery make Mayor of Kingstown Season 3 worth the watch for that reason alone!

Taylor Sheridan Moves Camp from Kingstown to Yellowstone

With Mayor of Kingstown coming to a timely halt, Taylor Sheridan is left with some free time on his hands as the creator faces an onslaught of demands on the Yellowstone front. The first and original Paramount+ series has come to the last leg of its journey with the final 8 episodes remaining to be told on screen. But criticism haunts the series while fans all cry that the end is nigh.

The primary criticism for Yellowstone stems from its declining quality of storytelling which has seen a considerable downfall since Season 3. With a cyclical plot rotating around Beth and Jaime’s hatred for each other, the fans have had it up to here with the exaggerated angle on childhood trauma.

As doubts begin to seep in regarding Sheridan’s ability to write compelling characters and scripts, the creator can swoop in fashionably late to his own party and deliver an exalting final touch to the last 8 episodes of Season 5.

With his brilliant knack for writing and high creative output, Yellowstone can still have a shot at redemption while churning out a storyline that can vindicate Jaime, pacify Beth, and do right by Rip. Meanwhile, Kevin Costner’s John Dutton still remains at large, as far as the fans are concerned.

Yellowstone and Mayor of Kingstown are now streaming on Paramount+