Interestingly, Chase And Frank’S Relationship Has Changed Further As Season 14 Progresses

There are dozens of things that “Blue Bloods” fans likely don’t understand about Frank Reagan (Tom Selleck). But his antagonistic friendship with Mayor Peter Chase (Dylan Walsh) probably isn’t one of them. Throughout the series’ 14-season run, they wheel and deal their way through policy switches and other complexities. While Chase’s duty is primarily to the city of New York, Frank remains loyal to his brothers in uniform. Sometimes, their aims completely clash, causing tensions and arguments to develop between them. During “Loyalty,” the commissioner relates differently to the mayor.

In this case, there’s a policy change that Chase has cooked up to deal with an influx of immigrants being bussed into the city from other major metropolises around the country. His idea involves suspending the Right to Shelter Act, which Frank feels will have a domino effect on the city’s policing. This real-life issue appears to set the stage for a battle between the two, but they put up a united front to support the city’s policy despite Frank’s sympathy for these families.

Frank and Chase find common ground, admitting they’ve both considered quitting their jobs over similar conflicts, disliking the politicization of the vulnerable lives at the center of the dispute. This is a fresh step forward for two men who have gone toe-to-toe over much more minor issues than this one.

Interestingly, Chase and Frank’s relationship has changed further as Season 14 progresses. Episode 2 defines their friendship in an even more tense way, resulting in a conflict that might result in Frank leaving the NYPD for good.

Chase and Frank clash once again in Season 14, Episode 2

“Blue Bloods” continues to have Frank Reagan weigh the deficit between his family and working life as Season 14 progresses. During Episode 2, “Dropping Bombs,” Mayor Chase admits during an interview that he’s thinking of expanding the role of police commissioner within the force … by taking Frank’s job and turning the commissionership into a committee. Five people make up the new Commission of Police, diminishing Frank’s ultimate role on the team but leaving him a part of it.

Frank’s somewhat incensed by this revelation, feeling betrayed by Chase’s choice. Their harmony has already dissipated, and the commissioner tells the mayor it’s a terrible idea. The two then banter about the level of crime in New York, and Frank claims Chase is trying to blame everything on him. It’s not one of Frank Reagan’s best moments on “Blue Bloods,” but it seems to be laying major groundwork for its ending.

The situation remains up in the air when the episode concludes, so viewers can expect this running theme to continue as the rest of the season plays out.