Before she played Ainsley Norris in Landman, Michelle Randolph starred in a different Taylor Sheridan show that’s about to return for season 2. Michelle Randolph’s Ainsley turned out to be one of the best parts of the cast of Landman, despite her early controversy. Ainsley was originally criticized for being overly sexualized and leered at by the male characters in Sheridan’s show, but by the ending of Landman season 1, she had experienced a huge amount of character growth. That overly sexualized girl grew into a young woman who was trying to start a romantic relationship built on respect, and it made her a great character.
Randolph’s portrayal of Ainsley in Landman season 1 was so good that fans of the show may be looking for more of her work while waiting for Landman season 2. Luckily, Randolph is one of many actors who appear in multiple Taylor Sheridan shows, and her other series is soon coming out with a second season. Anyone who has been waiting for more of Sheridan’s acclaimed writing – or just missing Randolph’s stellar acting – can easily replace Landman with her other show, 1923, just a few weeks before its final season releases on Paramount+.
Before Landman, Michelle Randolph Was Great In 1923
Randolph Will Return For 1923 Season 2
Two years before Landman began, Michelle Randolph had a prominent role in the Yellowstone prequel 1923. Randolph played Elizabeth Strafford, the over-eager and naive fiancée of Jack Dutton (Darren Mann). Much of Elizabeth’s story in 1923 season 1 concerns her growing accustomed to the hard work and sacrifice associated with running a ranch, as she spent much of her youth at a school in New York. That actually makes Elizabeth quite similar to Ainsley, as they both struggled with going from high society to more rural, working-class lifestyles. Elizabeth, however, handled her transition with much more grace than Ainsley did.
Another thing that ties Elizabeth and Ainsley together is how well Michelle Randolph performs in both roles. Randolph seems to be a master of character development, as Elizabeth went through just as dramatic of a transformation in 1923 as Ainsley did in Landman. Elizabeth started out as a character who wanted to make the cattle wait for her wedding, but by the end of 1923 season 1, she was just as seasoned a ranch hand as any of the other characters in the show, and it was largely due to Randolph’s ability to act at both extremes of her character’s personalities that made that transformation so believable.
Landman Could Be An Even Bigger Role For Michelle Randolph Than 1923
Taylor Sheridan’s Show Should Have A Bright Future
One of the biggest differences between 1923 and Landman is in how much potential each show has. 1923 season 2 is set to be the final installment of the Yellowstone prequel, as the story of the Dutton family’s exploits in the early 20th century is simply coming to its natural and planned conclusion. Landman season 1, on the other hand, looks like it was built to support a show that could last for much longer than two seasons. It’s possible that Landman could even become a massive franchise spawning spinoffs of its own in the same style of Yellowstone, so it clearly has some legs.
Randolph could be in Landman for as long as it makes new episodes, which is to say a very long time indeed.
If Landman does prove to be here for the long haul, Randolph should continue to have a major role set aside for her. Ainsley is only 17 years old in Landman, so even if the show lasts for multiple seasons, there’s no way Randolph’s character could age out of the series. The biggest challenge would be finding a way to follow Ainsley while she’s at college, but given Tommy’s (Billy Bob Thornton) protectiveness over her, it seems more than possible to follow her collegiate exploits. Randolph could be in Landman for as long as it makes new episodes, which is to say a very long time indeed.
What Else Michelle Randolph Has Been In
Taylor Sheridan’s Shows Were Her Breakout
Prior to starring in 1923, Michelle Randolph only had a few small appearances in lesser-known movies. Her first appearance was in 2017’s House of the Witch, where she played Rachel. She then had supporting roles in A Snow White Christmas, 5 Years Apart, and The Resort. It wasn’t until 1923 and being cast in Taylor Sheridan’s shows that Michelle Randolph had her major breakthrough in Hollywood. She even got a much more prominent movie role after being cast in Sheridan’s shows: in 2024, Randolph starred in The Throwback. Even that film couldn’t compare to the influence Taylor Sheridan, 1923, and Landman had on Randolph’s career, however.