Frank Reagan’S Blue Bloods Season 14 Part 2 Story Supports The Best Theory About Selleck’S Character’S Ending


A new reveal about Blue Bloods season 14 part 2 supports the best theory about how Frank Raegan’s (Tom Selleck) character arc will be wrapped up. Frank is considered one of Blue Bloods’ best characters in part because the show’s premise relies on him balancing his family obligations with his duties to the NYPD rank-and-file as Commissioner of Police. There has been speculation about how his story will end since CBS announced the series’ cancelation, as it must be done in a way that makes it clear that it still preserves its legacy as a family-centered crime drama.

There are only eight episodes of Blue Bloods left, which means that the seeds will be planted for Frank’s final story soon. There are several strong ways to end Frank’s story, including the possibility of him dying on duty. However, it has been confirmed that Frank will appear at the final Reagan family dinner, so this is not likely. Additionally, the plans for Frank’s final storyline support a different ending for his character that would be the most fitting way to wrap up the series.

Frank Being On A Mission In Blue Bloods Season 14 Part 2 Sets Up His Retirement
He Is Determined To Help The Mayor Fight Back Against Those Trying To Destroy His Career

During the final part of the series, Frank will be on a mission to help Mayor Chase. Something will happen to make it impossible for Chase to do his job, and Frank is as determined to go after the bad guys as he was when he learned who killed Blue Bloods’ Joe Reagan. This is a surprising storyline, considering the animosity between Frank and Chase, but it makes sense given the Raegan patriarch’s commitment to integrity, even if that means standing up for someone who he doesn’t particularly like.

This final mission needs to set up the wrap-up of Frank’s storyline so that Blue Bloods can end. Thus, it’s logical that this would be Frank’s final mission before deciding to retire as Commissioner of Police. Blue Bloods already set up this idea during season 14, episode 1, when Frank and Chase discussed whether the former would ever consider retiring. Frank retiring after this final mission would also nicely bookend the series, as season 1 ended with his mission to hold the people accountable who killed his son.


Why Frank Retiring Is The Best Way To End The Reagan Patriarch’s Story In Blue Bloods
It Would Allow Him To Pass The Torch To The Next Generation

While there are several theories about how Blue Bloods ends, Frank deciding to retire makes the most sense. His work and family lives have been at the center of the series for fourteen years, so his retirement would end this chapter of the Reagans’ lives while still leaving room for a new story if there is a Blue Bloods reunion movie in the future. Furthermore, Frank retiring after one final mission allows him to pass the torch to the next generation of leaders.

Frank retiring at the end of the series is the best way to honor his years of service and pay tribute to the cop drama’s central themes of family, faith, and integrity in leadership.

Blue Bloods has always been about Frank as the leader of his family and of the police force. If he retires at the end of the series, it could be part of a story implying that the family will go on after the show ends but that the current chapter is closed. Frank retiring at the end of the series is the best way to honor his years of service and pay tribute to the cop drama’s central themes of family, faith, and integrity in leadership.

