Blue Bloods: Will Estes’ New Look Sparks Jamie Reagan’S Undercover Storyline Theory

The Reagan clan is no stranger to delving deep into their jobs to make sure the innocent get their just rewards. Going undercover to ferret out a suspect is usually just one part of a very difficult occupation, and it’s an aspect that none of them have shied away from. That’s why “Blue Bloods” fans have begun to speculate that Jamie Reagan (Will Estes) might be doing deep cover work during the show’s upcoming 14th season thanks to a behind-the-scenes Instagram video.

Estes can be seen walking down a hallway at CBS Studios in the post, which was shared on the show’s official Instagram account on December 4. As the actor promotes the new season’s February 16 debut, it’s clear that his look is leagues away from the well-pressed, carefully combed look that Jamie usually sports. Not only is his hair longer and styled with gel, but he also sports a full goatee and has two snake-shaped neck tattoos on either side of his neck.

That was enough to make fans comment on the post and wonder if Jamie will be going undercover this season. After speculating about Estes’ tattoos and determining they weren’t real. @honeybee82lou explained just why Jamie would go to the trouble of sporting a fake tattoo. “Jamie Reagan has joined the snake gang. They were snake tattoos. So he has [to] get a fake snake tattoo. Joined their gang,” they said. “Is that an undercover look or a Will look?” wondered @carlycarman.

Audiences won’t be let in on that little secret for a while. But if Jamie goes undercover during Season 14, he won’t be the first Reagan to do such a thing.

Danny Reagan spent a long time undercover on the show

Jamie Reagan definitely wouldn’t be the first member of his family to go deep undercover in the name of justice. His brother, Danny (Donnie Wahlberg), has done that more than once, risking his identity and worrying his family in an attempt to right wrongs. Danny is so passionate about his deep-cover work that when Jamie is assigned to investigate a case that Danny has patiently been working on for years — which sees him pose as a drug dealer for months — the two nearly come to blows. Since this comes after Jamie has been promoted, there’s job friction as well as familial conflict on the plate. This sibling dust-up lasts for a few episodes of Season 13 before finally being settled, but for a while, it seemed as if no family dinner or shared belief would ever bring them close together.

Viewers will soon discover what’s up with Jamie’s beard and tattoos. “Blue Bloods” will be back on the air and ruling CBS’ Friday night lineup for the final time in October.