Blue Bloods: Why The Season 14 Midseason Finale’S Tragic Twist Felt So Familiar

Jamie (Will Estes) and Eddie Janko-Reagan (Vanessa Ray) may be stuck doing some recon during their anniversary in “The Heart of Saturday Night,” but at least they get to have a lot of fun while doing it. Stuck playing the roles of two homeless addicts looking for space in a crowded New York rehab faculty, the twosome tries to tail the head of a group home who has been accused of taking kickbacks that never trickle down to those in need.

The soundtrack that follows them through this journey is nothing if not ironic. Iggy Pop’s “Lust For Life” pipes over the soundtrack while the couple interviews for a spot in the shelter. When they’re presented with evidence, Eddie and Jamie try to cover it up by starting a dance party. What should they put on the jukebox but “You Never Can Tell”? The Chuck Berry song is best known for its use in “Pulp Fiction” — which featured one of the best movie soundtracks of the 1990s – and Eddie and Jamie throw in a few Batusi-like dance moves much like the ones pulled by Uma Thurman and John Travolta to the same tune. Eddie records the criminal target the whole time — at least until the cops protecting their credit line of cash get involved.

But there’s a second and more tragic parallel to “Pulp Fiction” that occurs slightly deeper into the episode.

Another reference to Pulp Fiction occurs later on

While Jamie, Eddie, and the cops wrestle over Jamie’s phone, something terrible happens in the background — one of the addicts, River (Meeya Davis), overdoses and begins foaming at the mouth. Only Jamie and Eddie have the moral fiber to intervene and request Narcan assistance for the victim. Even worse, this was someone Jamie met earlier in the day, who tried to score drugs off of him but instead settled for a cash-for-information trade.

This draws a strong parallel to Uma Thurman’s Mia Wallace, who overdoses during her night out with Travolta’s Vincent Vega. She’s revived by a shot of adrenalin and is horrified to awaken with a needle jabbed into her chest.

Mia and River survive their ordeals, though River obviously leaves “Blue Bloods” in a spectacular fashion. Jamie and Eddie later go home, where they share their wedding vows with the family. But that only increases the parallels between the two programs. Maybe later in the season, the drama can throw in a “Reservoir Dogs” send-up or something similar.