Blue Bloods Series Finale Wishlist: 8 Things That Need To Happen In The Reagans’ Last Episode

Several things need to happen in the Blue Bloods series finale. The long-running police and family drama is still popular after 14 seasons, but CBS made the disappointing decision to cancel Blue Bloods despite its high ratings. Since massive fan-led movements to save the series did not move the needle, and there are now only a few episodes left, the best that can be hoped is that every Blue Bloods character gets a satisfying ending.

Little has been revealed about what will happen to each of Blue Bloods’ best characters as the show draws to a close. There has been widespread speculation that someone will die in the finale, which would make for a sad ending, but this has not been confirmed. The series has planted seeds for several possible more satisfying endings, and several things come up often on wishlists for the series finale.

Jamie & Eddie Finally Starting A Family
The Fan-Favorite Couple Should Have A Child Of Their Own

It was frustrating that Blue Bloods’ Jamie and Eddie took so long to get together. The couple had worked together as partners on patrol since season 4, but their romance moved slowly. When Jamie and Eddie got married in season 9, their wedding was understated, coming at the tail end of an ordinary episode. While this fit Blue Bloods’ brand of blending family and cop stories, it was disappointing for those fans who had waited a long time for the event, and their family planning story seems to be going the same way.

Jamie and Eddie discussed having children in Blue Bloods season 14, episode 11 after fostering a traumatized girl whose mother had been shot. While they agreed to start trying for a baby, nothing further has been mentioned, but it’s unlikely the subject would have been broached in the final episodes if the writers didn’t intend for there to be some payoff. Thus, Jamie and Eddie will likely announce a pregnancy during the series finale.

[I]f the couple announces they are expecting at the final Reagan family dinner, that will end the series on a hopeful note and leave the door open for stories if there is a spinoff or reunion movie in the future.

It is disappointing that the audience won’t be able to follow their pregnancy and parental journey, assuming they will not star in a spinoff anytime soon. However, if the couple announces they are expecting at the final Reagan family dinner, that will end the series on a hopeful note and leave the door open for stories if there is a spinoff or reunion movie in the future.

Danny & Baez Getting Together
The Two Have Worked Together For A Long Time And Deserve A Happy Ending

Danny has been widowed since season 8, and soon afterward, it seemed obvious that there was chemistry between him and Baez. However, it would have seemed redundant at that point for both Danny and Jamie to fall for their work partners; additionally, it would have been disrespectful to Danny and Linda’s Blue Bloods relationship for Danny to start dating soon after Linda’s death. Thus, nothing happened between the two, though in season 12, they came close to expressing deep feelings for each other after being locked in a basement together by a serial killer.

Now that the series is ending, the writers do not have to worry about finding interesting stories for the couple once they get together or comparisons with Jamie and Eddie. Thus, the final episode could end with Danny and Baez deciding to give romance a try. This development would end the story of Danny’s loneliness and difficulty coping with Linda’s death and provide a happy ending for him and Baez.

Joe Hill Fully Accepting His Reagan Lineage
The Newest Addition To The Reagan Family Has Struggled To Find His Place In The Family

Joe Hill has struggled to fit in with the Reagans since his season 10 introduction. Joe is the secret son of the late Joe Reagan, whose death at the hands of a cabal of corrupt cops turned the Reagan family upside down. Joe Hill’s mother kept his lineage to herself, and he first became part of the family after Sean found him in season 10. However, he’s resisted accepting the Reagans and they have also been uncomfortable with him. Thus, Joe Hill’s perfect Blue Bloods ending would include him fully embracing his identity as a Reagan.

There have already been several indications that this will happen. Jamie made a strong overture to him in Blue Bloods season 14, episode 11 when he gave Joe the car that had once belonged to Joe’s father, and more recently, Danny and Joe gained more respect for each other while working a case together. All that is needed is for Joe to participate in the final case and for him and the Reagans to celebrate each other at the final Reagan family dinner.

Frank Retiring From the Commissioner Position
This Is His Most Definitive Ending And Would Give Him Time To Spend With His Family

Frank’s attempts to balance his work and family obligations have been central to Blue Bloods. In many of Blue Bloods’ best episodes, Frank has had to discipline his sons for breaking protocol or otherwise not behaving appropriately on the job, demonstrating his commitment to being fair rather than giving his relatives special privileges. Additionally, Frank often has conflicts with his team or with the mayor about how to handle policy differences. As a result, his retirement would end one of the show’s central premises.

His [Frank’s] final mission should change him in some way, and either retiring or semi-retiring would be a fitting ending for him.

Tom Selleck has said that Frank will not retire at the end of the series (via TV Insider), but the series could still take steps to show that he is moving toward retirement so that he gets the ending that he deserves. Frank should be able to spend more time with his family as Blue Bloods draws to a close, especially if Jamie and Eddie have a baby. His final mission should change him in some way, and either retiring or semi-retiring would be a fitting ending for him.

Henry Finding A New Purpose (And Maybe New Love!)
The Reagan Family Patriarch Has Too Long Been Sidelined

Henry is the oldest member of Blue Bloods’ Reagan family, which makes the rumors about a death in the finale concerning. It would be heartbreaking to lose him; as is, his presence is sorely missed when his only contribution to an episode is a few wisecracks at the family dinner table. Instead, Henry could be given a far happier ending that suggests that there is new happiness waiting for him in his golden years.

Henry’s storylines often revolve around him disliking retirement and missing police work, so his ending should include him finding a new purpose. He might be able to help with Frank’s final mission in some way, which could lead to him deciding to become an official consultant to the NYPD or some other similar position. Additionally, if Henry has a third round of interactions with his neighbor, Donna, romantic sparks might fly, leading to a happy future for Henry.

Erin And Jack Reconcile After Opposing Each Other In Court
This Happy Ending Has Practically Been Confirmed By Bridget Moynahan

Eric and Jack’s on-again, off-again relationship has been controversial throughout Blue Bloods. Jack was initially a villain in the series who cheated on Erin during their marriage and made family such a low priority that he missed their daughter’s sweet 16 and other important family moments. Erin saw him as a huge mistake and a problem and disliked having to go up against in him in court, both because of their personal animosity and because he tended to be unethical on the job.

Despite that negative history, things have recently improved between the two. Most significantly, in season 14, Jack helped defend Erin from false charges of jury tampering, leading to Erin inviting him to dinner despite Henry’s dislike. These recent interactions seem to suggest a happy ending for these two, and Bridget Moynahan more or less confirmed it via TV Insider, saying, “I think that people are going to be really excited about the last episode in regards to that storyline.”

Sean Gets A Job Offer From His Cousin Nicky
This Would Be The Perfect Ending For Danny’s Younger Son

While Sean’s older brother went to college elsewhere to try to figure out if he wanted to join the Marines, Sean went to school in New York City so that he could still attend Blue Bloods’ Reagan family dinners. However, Sean has not decided what he wants to do with his life, and it would be a fitting ending for him to not only find a career path but to work with his cousin in California.

[I]t would be a perfect ending for Sean that also reflects Blue Bloods’ commitment to family values.

This news would be sad for the Reagans, who already miss Nicky’s presence at the dinner table. However, it would be a perfect ending for Sean that also reflects Blue Bloods’ commitment to family values. Nicky will be returning for the series finale, so that would give her the perfect opportunity to give her younger cousin some guidance, leading to Sean deciding to move to California to work with her in some capacity.

A Final Toast To The Reagan Family
Ending The Series With A Toast at Dinner Would Be The Perfect Tribute

It’s already been confirmed that there will be a final family dinner. While it isn’t definite that it will be the last scene of the finale, it would make sense for it to be, as the family dinners are an iconic part of the series, and ending on that note would be the perfect wrap-up. Additionally, the final family dinner could be used to pay tribute to the long-running show and the values that it encompassed.

Hopefully, it will mostly be celebratory, as that would lead perfectly into a final toast that sums up the reasons this show is so beloved.

The final dinner is supposed to include some surprises, both positive and negative. Hopefully, it will mostly be celebratory, as that would lead perfectly into a final toast that sums up the reasons this show is so beloved. Blue Bloods’ finale will include Nicky and Jack Reagan, and likely Jack Boyle as well. Ideally, every person who is important to the Reagans will attend this dinner so that the final lines can be a toast to the entire family. It would be a doubly poignant moment if it also included a tribute to the memory of Joe Reagan, whose death has haunted the Reagans since the series began.