Blue Bloods Series Finale Speculation: How Each Character’S Story Could End


The Blue Bloods season finale will arrive sooner rather than later, with just eight episodes left to air.

The venerable police process will triumph. Even after CBS confirmed that the show will truly conclude in December, there is still a strong fan-led push to undo the cancellation. It is still one of CBS’ highest-rated programs.

It will be difficult to say goodbye to the Reagans, but maybe the writers will have a compelling conclusion in store for each member of the adored fictitious family. As the show comes to an end, let’s make some wild predictions.

Blue Bloods’ Series Finale Must Focus on Family
The Series Can Cement Its Legacy By Ending Each Family Member’s Story

Blue Bloods’ biggest appeal is its blend of family and cop drama. Without the tight-knit family aspects of the show, it would be just another cop procedural when TV has far too many of them.

The best way for it to go out is to reaffirm that commitment to family by showing the audience where each of the main characters ends up.

Some top questions on fans’ minds are whether Danny finds new love six years after Linda’s death, whether Jamie and Eddie will have a baby, and whether Sean will ultimately follow in his family’s footsteps and become a cop.

Frank Will Retire At The End Of Blue Bloods
His Stepping Down As Commissioner Makes The Most Sense

Frank has always been the focal point of Blue Bloods as the commissioner.

Even though Erin works at the DA’s office, he has had to strike a balance between his professional and personal responsibilities, occasionally punishing his sons for breaking police protocol or criticizing regulations that he believes are detrimental to law enforcement.

Additionally, he routinely butts heads with the mayor who happens to be in office, despite his Dream Team’s encouragement to engage in pointless political games.

Frank’s retirement seems like the most sensible way for his story to end. Although the showrunners have stated that he won’t step down during the season finale since he wouldn’t have anything to do, it doesn’t mean he won’t do so early on.

The series could end with it being another typical day in Frank’s life without him retiring, which could convey that life goes on as it always has, even though we won’t be sharing in it anymore.

That wouldn’t be nearly as satisfying an ending to the series, though it would leave the door open for a reunion movie or a fifteenth season if CBS decides to continue it in a few years.

If Frank does step down, it probably won’t be with much fanfare.

Blue Bloods doesn’t do clip shows or nostalgia, so it probably won’t go down that road for its series finale.

However, the family could have a special toast to Frank and the beginning of the next chapter of his life at the final family dinner.

Henry Will Be Honored In Some Way
Blue Bloods Has Underused Him In Season 14

Henry has been woefully underused during Blue Bloods Season 14, but that could and should change by the finale.

He doesn’t need a big storyline but needs and deserves to start his new chapter.

How this happens is likely dependent on what’s happening with everyone else. For example, if Sean decides to become a cop, Henry could become his primary mentor, giving him solicited and unsolicited advice.

This type of ending would give Henry a new purpose and reaffirm his role as the family patriarch, which is all we can ask.

Similarly, if any new babies join the Reagan family at the end, naming the newest child after Henry would be a touching tribute to his importance to the family.

Hopefully, there will be a resolution to the tension between Henry and Jamie by the end.

Jamie loves and respects his grandfather but often treats Henry as if he is a feeble old man. That needs to change.

Given that conflict, it’ll be doubly touching if Jamie and Eddie are the ones to name their baby after Henry.

As with Frank’s storyline, Henry’s will probably end on an understated note, but one that will provide audiences with a satisfying ending even if we hate having to say goodbye.

Jamie and Eddie Start Their Family
Jamko Fans Should Get Their Happy Ending


Jamie and Eddie have long been a fan-favorite couple, but their marriage has been disappointing.

They’ve barely spent time together, and the idea of Jamie being Eddie’s boss is ridiculous.

Blue Bloods began to fix this problem toward the end of the first half of the season when Jamie and Eddie worked undercover together on their anniversary, and they can follow this up by having the couple get ready to start their family.


The series has shied away from pregnancy storylines because it would distract them from the show’s primary purpose, but Eddie learning she is pregnant could lead to a perfect series finale.

Ending the series with the news that Eddie is pregnant would reassure the audience that the Reagan family will continue even after the final credits roll.

It would also be another way for the series to end with characters entering new chapters of their lives.

The new baby could also signify hope if the rumors are true that there will be a funeral in the final episode.

Danny Finds New Love
He Doesn’t Have To Get Remarried, But He Should Have a Happy Ending

Danny’s story turned tragic during Blue Bloods Season 8. Actress Amy Carlson elected not to renew her contract, and thus, Linda was killed off-screen between seasons.

Danny has worked through his grief and anger, even going after the mob bosses who claimed they were responsible for the helicopter crash that took Linda’s life.

He’s also followed in his father and grandfather’s footsteps by refusing to consider dating, at least until recently.

After a confrontation with a perp, Danny realized he was holding himself back from love because he didn’t want to get attached to someone else who could die.

So far, he’s had one date off-screen, but his wrap-up story could follow this thread.

Baez Or…?

Fans are divided about whether or not Danny should end up with Baez.

There’s strong chemistry between them, and they undoubtedly have each other’s backs. Still, one segment of the audience feels it would ruin their relationship if they crossed the line from friendship to romance, while another part desperately ships them.

It’s unlikely they’ll end up together in the end. The showrunners have been vehemently opposed to it, and it would seem too convenient if Danny fell for his partner a few years after Jamie married his.

Still, Danny deserves a happy ending, and the writers will not have a problem finding a story for the couple once they get together.

Thus, they may surprise us and put them together after all.

Blue Bloods’ Erin Will Make Her Peace With Jack
She Probably Won’t Reconcile Romantically, But The Animosity Will End

Erin’s contentious relationship with Jack is the most compelling thing about her.

She can often be judgmental and stubborn, and she’s not always open to hearing that she’s wrong about something, to say the least.

The only times I’ve been interested in her stories is when she struggled to hold onto who she was while running for office and when she and Jack began playing the will-they-won’t-they game about reconciling.

Erin dropped out of the Manhattan DA race, so revisiting that story in the finale wouldn’t make sense, but her relationship with Jack is different.

Erin’s feelings for Jack eventually warmed up, but she rejected him when she decided to run for district attorney because she believed it would harm her candidacy.

There is still time to complete their tale before the Blue Bloods series conclusion, even if the two haven’t spoken to each other since.

Erin and Jack do not need to make a romantic reconciliation. That would be more appropriate for a Hallmark second-chance romance than for Blue Bloods, and it would be ridiculous after all these years.

It would be the ideal conclusion to their tale, though, if she and Jack could go their own ways and become friends.

It’s up to you, fans of Blue Bloods. Please share your predictions for what you believe will happen to your favorite characters in the series finale in the comments section.

The second half of Blue Bloods’ final season will air on CBS on Fridays at 10/9c, beginning in October 2024.
