Blue Bloods Season 15 Could Give Us The Perfect Replacement For Danny

Will Season 14 have enough time to bring each story arc to a logical conclusion?

Recently, CBS viewers were faced with an update that was, depending on the context, either incredibly disappointing or incredibly uplifting. In early April 2024, it was announced that the network had decided to reverse its decision to end S.W.A.T., starring Shemar Moore, after seven seasons. Instead, there will be at least one more season of the police procedural. So why is the update disappointing, you ask?

Well, at the very least, because despite its popularity, Blue Bloods, unlike S.W.A.T., has not been renewed and is therefore slowly coming to an end.

For nearly 14 years, Blue Bloods has been a staple of Friday night entertainment for many American households. However, the news that the iconic cop drama about the Reagan family will soon be cancelled is also disheartening because the writers may not be able to keep up with such a tight deadline to provide each character and storyline with a proper ending. This is especially true for Donnie Wahlberg’s Danny Reagan.

And no, we’re not talking about his romantic ships with Baez and Curatola. It’s about his son, Sean, who would have been the perfect legacy for both Danny and all Reagans.

Why Can Season 15 Save the Reagan Family Storyline?

Blue Bloods can easily be considered less of a procedural and more of a family drama. After all, this is the series that has, throughout its existence, repeatedly confronted old and young generations, conservatism and progressivism, and their ethical underpinnings within the framework of law enforcement in New York City. Regardless of the different perspectives on life and specific professional aspects, however, Blue Bloods has always delighted us with themes of the importance of family and consensus within it.

In such a context, it is incredibly important to show continuity with the next generations, as only Joe Hill, who has only recently begun to bond with the Reagans, is still involved in law enforcement. The rest of the children are currently on their own or pursuing other goals.

So the best option would be Sean: in the story he’s already 20 years old, it’s time to follow in his father’s footsteps and enter the police academy. It would also be a good indication that Danny’s children go into different fields related to their parents, as Sean became a cop and Jack became a doctor.

Blue Bloods Still Has Renewal Potential

Of course, we’re not trying to kill off Danny here, we’re still interested to see if he stays with Baez or Curatola! But it would be a great storyline ending for him, and the Reagan legacy would continue in the form of Joe and Sean.

Of course, the decision that only one Reagan would continue to be involved in law enforcement could have been a good statement, showing that younger generations do not always have to follow the path of their ancestors, and as attitudes in the NYPD evolve, so does the Reagan family. Still, even this powerful message would have needed at least one more season to be properly conveyed.

Well, all we have to do is wait impatiently for more updates from CBS while demanding that they renew Blue Bloods for at least another season. There is currently an active campaign against the cancellation of the show after fourteen seasons, and even some cast members are involved.