Blue Bloods Season 14: Why Jackie’S Finale Return Is So Important

Contains general spoilers for “Blue Bloods” Season 14

It looks like fans of the soon-to-be-dearly-departed procedural “Blue Bloods” are about to see the return of another long-missing but much-missed former main character in the season’s second episode. Jackie Curatola (Jennifer Esposito), former partner of Danny Reagan (Donnie Wahlberg), will make her return to the program in “Dropping Bombs.” The plot description suggests that Danny and his current partner, Maria Baez (Marisa Ramirez), involve Jackie in the case after dealing with the reappearance of a serial killer.

That means Dr. Leonard Walker (Mather Zickel) may also be slated to return; this serial killing thorn in Maria and Danny’s sides has been taunting them by escaping capture for seasons. Since Jackie is also familiar with Walker, that makes her return crucial to solving the case correctly — mainly because during her last appearance on the show in the Season 13 finale, Walker chose to attack her, nearly resulting in Jackie’s death.

Esposito’s guest spot as Jackie is just one of three recently announced returns set to occur during the 14th season of “Blue Bloods.” Not only will we get to see another of Danny’s partners, but we’ll also see the return of a missing Reagan to the dinner table.

Joe Hill will also return — to complicate Jamie’s investigation

Jackie Curatola won’t be the only returning character in the first two episodes of Season 14 of “Blue Bloods.” During the season premiere, Danny encounters another of his former partners when Darryl Reid (Malika Yoba) becomes material to a case that he and Maria are investigating. There’s no word as to whether or not Darryl will be a victim or a catalyst for what occurs in the plot.

Who else is back for Episode 2? None other than Joe Hill (Will Hochman). Joe is set to make waves when he intervenes in Jamie’s (Will Estes) deep cover mission. Season 14 sees Jamie sport a fake neck tattoo and a new tough-guy attitude to properly pass as a deep cover agent, trying to bust a human trafficking ring. Joe’s set to intervene in Jamie’s case, and as fans have seen the last few times Joe has tried to involve himself in the Reagan family’s police work, things tend to get a hair messy. Audiences will find out just how things turn out this time for him when “Blue Bloods” returns to the CBS lineup on February 16.