Blue Bloods Season 14 Episode 18 Spoilers: Will Everything Change As The Reagans Take On Their Last Case?

Get the tissues ready, everyone. The Blue Bloods series finale is airing this week.

It’s been easy to pretend that this isn’t the final season since nothing fundamentally changed throughout the final episodes — they were the same solid stories as always, even if the Reagans were making some changes in their personal lives that were quickly mentioned and then forgotten about.

Blue Bloods Season 14 Episode 18 spoilers suggest that it will be an intense final hour as the Reagans band together to try to stop the chaos caused by angry gang members who want their associates out of jail.

Yes, Someone Dies… But Not A Reagan

Rumors that a Reagan might pass away in the series finale have been circulating for months.

The audience would be even more devastated by that awful conclusion than they are by the conclusion of this amazing concert.

Fortunately, spoilers for Blue Bloods Season 15 Episode 18 show that’s not the case. A funeral is depicted in multiple pictures, yet every Reagan is present.

I’m relieved that if they killed off one of our cherished Reagan family members, I wouldn’t have to utilize the tirade I had prepared.

It makes more sense for the Reagans to mourn the loss of someone else than for the series to end with a dying Reagan. Sure, that would have bookended things somewhat since the series began soon after Joe Reagan’s death, but that would have just made people mad.

Now, the Reagans can rethink their life choices because of what happens and make some changes that make this episode truly the end of the series.

The violence in the city will hit just close enough to home to spur the Reagans into action and maybe later to rethink things.

Gang violence will land Eddie and Mayor Chase in the hospital. New rumors suggest that Eddie’s partner, Luis Badillo, will be the one who doesn’t make it, which makes sense considering Eddie’s injuries.

That trauma will have a significant effect on Jamie and Eddie.

I doubt the series will end with anyone quitting police work — that would contradict what Blue Bloods has always stood for — but it will give Eddie and Jamie a meaty final storyline that could spur them to make changes.

Eddie mentioned earlier in the season that she’d love to move to the suburbs, and she and Jamie had discussed family planning during Blue Bloods Season 14 Episode 11, so their perfect ending could involve taking some time off to make that move and focus on starting their family.

Eddie might also have some survivor’s guilt now that she lives and Badillo doesn’t, but that isn’t something that can be tackled in one episode so that probably won’t be a big part of the story.

Although Badillo’s death isn’t confirmed by Blue Bloods Season 14 Episode 18 spoilers, it’s plausible given that he isn’t shown in any of the pictures of the burial scenes.

In the event that he passes away, Kyle, the son of Badillo’s former partner who also passed away at work, may need to be cared for by Jamie and Eddie.

If Eddie’s injuries prevent her from becoming pregnant, this would be a particularly happy ending because she and Jamie should be able to create the family they had always wanted, even if it isn’t exactly how they had envisioned it.

Will Frank’s Final Mission Bring Him Closer To Retirement?

Tom Selleck has said that Frank does not retire at the end of the series, which is weird considering how perfect an ending it would be for his character and the show.

However, Blue Bloods Season 14 Episode 18 spoilers say Frank will go on a “final mission” to catch the people who attempted to assassinate Mayor Chase, and that could get him thinking about planning for the future.

Frank may not retire now, but it will be satisfying if he’s thinking about how and when to close out his career.

In any case, this final mission serves as a nice bookend to the Blue Bloods Season 1 finale, in which the family worked together to catch Sonny Malevsky and the rest of the corrupt cops who had permanently silenced Joe.

Now, as then, Frank will step out of his administrative role and act as a cop, this time to catch the would-be assassins.

This will be interesting. Not only has Frank been working a desk job for years, but will have to put aside his personal issues with the mayor to ensure justice is done.

Frank will do it, of course. He has stood for integrity and justice all these years and isn’t about to stop now.

However, the two men’s hostility may ultimately lessen as a result of this episode.

Chase has been more overtly hostile to Frank than most other mayors, frequently threatening to remove Frank even though he knows it would be political death. Chase also always takes it personally when Frank refuses to back legislative measures that he disagrees with.

Perhaps after Frank works tirelessly to apprehend those who sent Chase to the hospital, he will see that Frank is there for him when it matters most, and the series will conclude with Frank and Chase enjoying a more cordial relationship.

Blue Bloods Season 14 Episode 18 Spoilers Promise That The Final Episode Will Be An Ensemble Story

With everyone attempting to assist restore order to the city and apprehend those who are causing disruptions, the finale will most likely echo the one from Season 1.

I’m particularly interested in Danny’s reaction to this. Throughout the second part of Blue Bloods Season 14, he appeared exhausted, which is one of the few indications that the show is coming to a conclusion.

The writers will be in a difficult position because half of the fan base will protest if the story doesn’t conclude with Danny and Baez together romantically, while the other half will.

It’s likely that after the stress of this case, Danny will reevaluate some things in his life, especially since Sean is now graduating and probably moving away (once he figures out what he wants to do with his life).

While Blue Bloods Season 14 Episode 18 spoilers make no promises one way or the other about that, a clip on the retrospective special showed Danny responding to Henry’s advice not to bring the job home with him, “I don’t have anybody not to bring the job home to.”

Thus, Danny will probably admit that it’s time to get serious about dating again, and the series could end with him and Baez exploring their feelings for each other.

That would make more sense than a firm commitment, especially considering that Jack and Erin seem to have gotten back together.

Blue Bloods doesn’t need to end with everyone partnered up and living happily ever after. That’s not true to life, and some things will likely be left open in case there’s ever a reunion movie or a spinoff series.

The only thing that is guaranteed is that there will be a final family dinner, that Jack Reagan and Nicky will be back for it, and that the finale will leave us all in tears. Everything else is up in the air.

Over to you, Blue Bloods fanatics.

What do you expect and hope happens during the Blue Bloods series finale? And what are your favorite of these Blue Bloods Season 14 Episode 18 spoilers?

Blue Bloods’ series finale will air on CBS on December 13, 2024 at 10/9c and on Paramount+ on December 14.