Blue Bloods Finale Predictions: Will Danny Become The New Pc?

Season 14 will be the grand finale of Blue Bloods, and fans are coming up with theories for what that will entail. The real question is, who will replace Frank as PC?

After the announcement of Blue Bloods’ untimely finale in Season 14, fans have been busy with one of the two: either mourning their favorite show or speculating about the ending. The latter is more interesting since admittedly, there are quite a few loose ends the showrunners need to tie up before Blue Bloods bids its farewell.

What Are Blue Bloods Fans Discussing?

Over at the Blue Bloods subreddit, the debate about the show’s finale is in full swing. It started with one of the fans suggesting their theory about the ending of Season 14 which included the Reagan family uniting for a big case, Eddie and Jaime revealing their upcoming baby, and Frank finally retiring as the Police Commissioner.

The divisive part about their speculation was Frank Reagan’s successor: the user FleetwoodMac26 claimed it was obvious that Danny would become the new PC. Other fans rushed to disagree with them as many of them were convinced Danny Reagan was less than fit to take over his legendary father’s office.

“Danny is missing the political chops, the polish, the sophistication, the education and, quite frankly, the intelligence to be a [Police Commissioner]. Also, he is not political or manipulative enough to be tolerated by any major over an extended period of time,” Rubicon730 pointed out.

Others tend to agree with them. Many fans suggest that if anything, it should be Jaime Reagan who takes over the PC’s office even though he would still have to climb quite a few ranks to get there. Still, Jaime is level-headed and intelligent enough to take a position of such political importance, unlike his ruthless brother.

What Do Fans Want from Blue Bloods Finale?

There are obviously several storylines that need resolving before the show’s ending, and some of them have been in dire need of a resolution for ages — even aside from the matter of Frank’s successor, which is still of utmost importance, of course.

Most fans agree that Jamie and Eddie will finally have a baby. After that, Jamie will probably return to the force and keep working his way up, while Eddie could potentially look into becoming an ADA like Erin. Erin, in turn, will finally get her long-overdue District Attorney position…and, perhaps, get back with Jack.

One of the biggest points Season 14 must cover is Danny Reagan’s personal life. Danny has to get together with either Baez or Jackie, and this one’s unclear: on the one hand, he told Baez that he felt “in his place” next to her, but on the other hand, Jackie’s actress could return for the finale as it would be but a brief cameo from her.

Sadly, fans are almost positive that Henry will pass in Blue Bloods Season 14 with Frank replacing him as the retired oldest member of the family. Who will replace Frank himself is still an open debate with no clear answer, so we guess we’ll have to stick around to find out — fortunately, we’re eagerly awaiting S14 anyway.