Are Vanessa Ray And Marisa Ramirez From Blue Bloods Friends In Real Life?

Sometimes it’s hard to imagine that people on CBS’s “Blue Bloods” can be anything other than the best of friends. After spending every single day together, filming a show with so many beloved fans, we can only assume that the cast builds similar relationships to those on-screen. But what about those that don’t share a lot of screen time? For example, people like Vanessa Ray (Officer Eddie Reagan) and Marissa Ramirez (Detective Maria Baez).

Ramirez and her character, Detective Baez showed up in Season 3, Episode 17, “Protest Too Much.” After a whirlwind of partners following the departure of Detective Curatola (Jennifer Esposito), Baez became a stable anchor at the department for Danny Reagan (Donnie Wahlberg) to lean on. She is still going strong as his partner nearly a decade later. Eddie Janko (Vanessa Ray), meanwhile, made her debut nearly the same time, appearing in the Season 4 premiere, “Unwritten Rules.” She spent her time proving she was a capable officer, being more critical due to riding with NYPD royalty Jamie Reagan (Will Estes). Not only did she find a way to do that well enough to establish herself as a solid addition to the New York Police Department, but she proved herself valuable enough to be an addition to the Reagan family eventually.

However, while these two characters watch the backs of the two Reagans still on the job, one is a detective, and one is a beat cop, so have the real-life actors spent enough time together to become friends?

They show a lot of love for each other on their Instagrams

One look at each of their Instagram accounts, and it becomes clear that the two “Blue Bloods” actors are both pretty fond of each other. Both women are in the same boat, after all, as they portray female characters succeeding in a male-dominated industry, and it becomes very clear that they have found a bond in that shared endeavor.

A few years back, Marisa Ramirez posted a picture on her Instagram that showed her nuzzling up to Vanessa Ray during the filming of the wedding between Jamie and Eddie. She added a playful caption, “With the bride!! Girl, why didn’t you ask me to be a bridesmaid!” Vanessa Ray has also posted pictures of them together, one time sharing a selfie of them — along with their on-screen partners — that specifically addresses Ramirez. “Marisa: shares her heart with me, the best listener, my sounding board.”

With one playfully admonishing the other for a fictional bridal party snub, and the other revealing they have deep and meaningful talks behind the camera, it is safe to say these two are more than sisters in blue onscreen: clearly, they are also sisters in friendship in the real world, as well.