1923 season 2 has been a challenging chapter for the Prohibition-era Dutton family, especially for Alexandra of Sussex (Julia Schleapfer) and Spencer Dutton (Brandon Sklenar). They make individual journeys to Montana in the show’s second season after getting separated at the end of 1923 season 1. The ominous themes for 1923 season 2’s characters have some considering whether Spencer will die, especially after his deadly encounter with Luca (Andy Dispensa) in 1923 season 2, episode 3, “Wrap Thee in Terror.”
Spencer is among the earliest-known members of the Dutton family tree. The remainder of his family awaits his return to Montana to save the Yellowstone ranch. In 1883, Taylor Sheridan’s prequel to 1923 and Yellowstone, Spencer’s father, James Dutton (Tim McGraw), guides his family on a Northwestern journey from Texas along the Oregon Trail. Born after his family completed the journey, Spencer never knew his sister, Elsa Dutton (Isabel May), whose death defines the family’s Montana origins. Still, Spencer’s sister returns to narrate 1923, and Elsa Dutton’s narration foretells the end of 1923 season 2.
Elsa Revealed The Fate Of The Dutton Family In 1923 Season 1, Episode 1
1883’s Elsa Dutton Narrates Her Family’s 1923 Story
In 1923 season 1’s premiere, Elsa Dutton’s narration reveals the fate of the Dutton family. She says that her mother, Margaret (Faith Hill), died in a snow drift, leaving her younger brothers, John I (James Badge Dale) and Spencer, to fend for themselves amid a cold Montana winter. Elsa’s narration sets the stage for 1923, telling audiences that, after her father’s death, her mother sent for Jacob (Harrison Ford), James’ brother, who took his brother’s dream and “made it an empire.” The narrative track first sets the scene for why Jacob and Cara (Helen Mirren) are in charge.
By saying that one of her father’s children survived through the 20th century, Elsa seems to be telling us that Spencer will survive 1923 season 2.
More importantly, Elsa reveals what’s next for Spencer. In 1923 season 1, episode 1, Elsa says, “My father had three children. Only one would live to see their own children grow. Only one would carry the fate of this family through the Depression and every other hell the 20th century hurled at them.” Elsa references herself and her brothers, Spencer and John. By saying that one of her father’s children survived through the 20th century, Elsa seems to be telling us that Spencer will survive 1923 season 2. She is already dead, and John I died in 1923 season 1.
What Elsa Dutton’s Narration Means For Spencer’s 1923 Season 2 Ending
Elsa Dutton Revealed The End Of Spencer’s 1923 Story
By saying that one of her father’s children survived “through the Depression and every other hell the 20th century hurled at them,” Elsa is almost confirming that Spencer survives. Therefore, as we watch Spencer’s harrowing journey in 1923 season 2, there is enough reason to hope that he will not only complete the trip and return to Montana but also survive through the 20th century. Elsa’s clues lead to an exciting development, since Taylor Sheridan has teased a World War II-era Dutton family offshoot called 1944, and surviving 1923 could make Spencer the lead in the next Yellowstone story.
Elsa Dutton’s 1923 narration does not confirm whether Alexandra Dutton will live outright, which is another question on the minds of those watching the second season unfold. However, when scrutinized, Elsa Dutton’s narration could also explain Alex’s fate. When speaking of her father’s three children, Elsa says that only one lived to see their “own children grown.” John I only had one child, Jack Dutton (Darren Mann), and John died as his son became an adult. Elsa’s comment could, therefore, indicate that Spencer has multiple children and survives to raise them, probably meaning that Alex survives, too.
Why 1923 Season 2’s Ending Could Still Be Disappointing
We Will See Less Of Alex And Spencer Together (For Now)
Despite Elsa’s seemingly confirming that Spencer Dutton survives 1923 season 2, the ending of the second chapter could still be disappointing. One of the frustrating parts of watching Alex and Spencer’s separate journeys in 1923 season 2 is that their whirlwind romance was a major draw in the series’ first chapter, and we haven’t gotten back to that yet. With a long journey ahead for each character, it appears that Alex and Spencer won’t reunite until 1923 season 2 ends, so fans might not get to extensively witness Schleapfer and Sklenar on-screen together as Alex and Spencer.
Considering Elsa Dutton’s narration and what might be next after 1923 season 2, Spencer and Alex’s delayed reunion could serve a purpose. If Spencer survives through the Depression, World War II, and into the 20th century, it seemingly sets the fan-favorite character up to lead 1944, which would be a savvy choice. If that’s the case, then Spencer and Alex’s delayed reunion makes sense since we will get more time with the characters in another offshoot. Still, Julia Schleapfer and Brandon Sklenar’s on-screen romance not having a place in 1923 season 2 would be a huge disappointment.