Look, while many people would like nothing more than to spend the rest of their lives following the latest trend in an attempt to make themselves appear better looking, such preoccupations are not universal.
Dan Blocker was more than willing to admit to anyone who would listen that he wasn’t very much of a looker. However, when he considered where he was as a successful television star, he admitted that sometimes his life seemed too good to be true.
“I’m so happy I think it’s a frame-up,” said Blocker during an interview with the UPI Hollywood Correspondent.
Blocker had no ambitions to become a romantic lead. Rather, he kept a more brutally honest look at public life, and about himself.
“I say 90 percent of the people in this world aren’t beautiful physically,” said Blocker. “Most of the men are ugly and the women are homely. Well, I’m one of them.”
However, that didn’t mean that Blocker would never become a star. Rather, it endeared him to audiences, who found him more relatable.
“In recent years, there’s been a great revolution in all the arts from romanticism to realism,” said Blocker. “Audiences want someone to identify with.”
The Bonanza actor was incredibly humble, partially crediting his rather large stature for his big break in the entertainment industry.
“If it weren’t for my size, I never would have played Hoss,” said Blocker. “So my bulk has given my entree to innumerable career opportunities. But there are hundreds of thousands of outsize guys. So I had to capitalize on my talent too.”
Better than a pretty face, Blocker had something much more impressive: Integrity and a sense of humor. “My face?” he asked. “I look like Porky Pig. And who can hate him?”