8 Spinoffs Set Up By The Blue Bloods Finale

Blue Bloods wrapped up its historic 14-year run with season 14, episode 18, entitled “End of Tour,” but the finale also set up several spinoff ideas. Although a Blue Bloods spinoff has supposedly been in development since the news that the flagship series was canceled, neither CBS nor Paramount has offered a specific idea or put a show on the schedule yet. This makes Blue Bloods’ disappointing cancelation even harder to bear, as there is not even a related series to look forward to yet.

“End of Tour” sent the Reagans on a final mission to stop a violent crime spree by gang members who were demanding the release of prisoners in exchange for a return of peace to the city. The series finale gave Blue Bloods a perfect ending, with most characters having happy news to share as they sat down for one last Reagan family dinner. The finale was open-ended and would have worked equally well as a season-ender. Many loose ends could also be used to develop compelling spinoffs of the popular cop and family drama.

Jamie And Eddie Adjust To Parenthood While Continuing To Work For The NYPD
The Popular Couple Announced They Were Expecting During The Finale

Right before the final credits rolled, Eddie (Vanessa Ray) brought a wooden high chair to the final Blue Bloods Reagan family dinner and told the family that she was pregnant and due in June. The fact that she announced a specific due date leaves the door open for a spinoff focused on Eddie and Jamie’s lives as cops and parents. Additionally, Eddie had mentioned earlier in the season that she’d like to move to the suburbs, so Jamie (Will Estes) and Eddie could start their new life in a Long Island town, which would help separate the spinoff from the main series.

Blue Bloods’ Eddie and Jamie are one of the show’s most popular couples, so there would probably be a lot of interest in a spinoff that features this pair. A spinoff about them could easily continue the tradition of family dinners and other family interactions that made the original Blue Bloods so special. While including every Reagan in family dinner each week would defeat the purpose of having a spinoff rather than continuing the original show, Jamie and Eddie could start their own family traditions and occasionally have other Reagans join them.

Joe Hill Carries The Reagan Family Legacy In Narcotics
This Spinoff Would Offer A New Perspective on Joe’s Complicated Family Relationships

Joe Hill (Will Hochman) got his happy ending in Blue Bloods when he came to the final family dinner. He has been on the edge of the Reagan family for years despite being one of them because he did not know he was a Reagan until adulthood and never knew his father, the late Joe Reagan. However, he pushed Jamie to join him for a final mission tracking down Badillo’s killer and afterward, acknowledged that he loved the Reagan family by telling Jamie and Eddie that their baby would be lucky to be part of it.

A spinoff about Joe could continue to occasionally include his uncles, just as he was an occasional part of their cases in Blue Bloods.

Joe is well-positioned to carry on the Reagan legacy in a spinoff series. He works in Narcotics, often taking undercover assignments. His path occasionally crosses with Danny’s or Jamie’s if one of them is working on a case related to the drug busts he’s trying to engineer. Therefore, a spinoff about Joe could continue to occasionally include his uncles, just as he was an occasional part of their cases in Blue Bloods.

Additionally, Joe’s mother has not been seen on-screen since admitting to Frank that she had preferred Joe not know he was related to the Reagans; thus, she would be a strong addition to a Joe-centered spinoff in which he tries to navigate the world of Narcotics missions and his status as a Reagan. The series could feature the Hill family regularly and the Reagans occasionally, carrying on the focus on family values in a new way.

Erin And Jack Balancing Work and Married Life While Being On Opposite Sides Of Cases
Their Reconciliation Opens The Door For A Fascinating Spinoff

In addition, Jack is a defense attorney while Erin is a prosecutor, which could lead to compelling legal drama that interferes with their relationship. If this spinoff focused on the legal cases the two were dealing with at their jobs while also showing them as a married couple, it could mirror the original Blue Bloods’ blend of family and police drama, but replace the police drama with legal drama, even occasionally showing Danny and Jamie’s badgering Erin from her point of view. It could also introduce Jack’s family to build on its legacy of showcasing family values.

Frank’s Next Chapter Includes A New Alliance With Mayor Chase And Resisting Pressure To Retire
A Spinoff Could Take Advantage of Frank Not Retiring At The End of The Series

Frank and Mayor Chase have often been at odds because of policy disagreements, though Mayor Chase took it personally whenever they butted heads. This should have changed after “End of Tour” since Frank went above and beyond the call of duty to catch the man who had shot at the mayor, but there wasn’t time to address this when the two met after the shooter had been arrested. Thus, it would be interesting to explore this new dynamic during a spinoff series.

It’s not clear what this alliance would look like, as Frank is one of Blue Bloods’ best characters because he refuses to compromise his values for political expediency. However, there could be a storyline about Frank facing pressure to retire because of his age and being conflicted about what to do. A spinoff focused on Frank’s work life could be exciting, especially if it continues to feature Reagan family dinners or family members taking sides on whether Frank should retire.

Danny And Baez’s Relationship And Professional Lives
Their New Relationship Comes With Challenges

One of the reasons that Danny (Donnie Wahlberg) and Baez (Marisa Ramirez) didn’t get together earlier in Blue Bloods was that it would have been redundant for both Danny and Jamie to be involved in relationships with their work partners and have to move things around to accommodate their romance. However, this problem would work well for a Danny-centered spinoff where Jamie and Eddie are not always present, as this focus would eliminate the comparison of the two similar relationships.

Danny and Baez’s relationship has plenty of room to grow in a spinoff, as it is in its early stages. Nothing has happened between them yet besides Danny asking Baez out for pizza. Thus, a series about the two of them could explore where they want the relationship to go while they both continue to work as homicide detectives. Additionally, family scenes could explore how Sean and his brother Jack feel about this new relationship.

Sean Moves To San Francisco To Start His New Life (and Interacts Often With Nicky)
This Series Could Tie Into Sean’s Confusion About What To Do Next

Sean (Andrew Terraciano) was one of the few characters who didn’t get much of an ending, which was disappointing. Even though he wasn’t likely to be the next new recruit for the NYPD, he deserved more of an ending than a simple announcement that he was graduating early and didn’t know what came next, especially since his story was wrapped up in the penultimate episode rather than the Blue Bloods series finale.

This spinoff could feature Sean and Nicky as the next generation of Reagans, thus preserving the series’ legacy of centering family values.

However, the question mark over Sean’s future also represents an interesting spinoff opportunity. Sean’s cousin, Nicky (Sami Gayle) lives and works in San Francisco and returned for the final Reagan family dinner. Thus, it’s believable that Sean would move across the country to work with her in some capacity, especially if he’s not fully committed to any particular career path in New York. This spinoff could feature Sean and Nicky as the next generation of Reagans, thus preserving the series’ legacy of centering family values.

Badillo’s Family Coping With The Aftermath Of His Death
His Family Could Become Central Characters

Badillo’s mother and the little boy he mentored were featured in two episodes during Blue Bloods season 14. They appeared at his funeral during “End of Tour,” but didn’t have a big role despite their grief. Thus, there is a strong opportunity for a spinoff featuring them as main characters, Although this spinoff would not be about any of the Reagans, Eddie could appear as a secondary character since she was close with Badillo.

Centering the spinoff on Badillo’s family would carry on Blue Bloods’ legacy of centering family values, especially if Eddie is on hand to help the little boy who has now lost both his biological father and his surrogate father to death in the line of duty. .Ideally, this show would also feature cops in Badillo’s department or another cop in his family so that it can continue to pay homage to the NYPD.

The Reagans’ Work in NYC Inspires A Different Family Of Civil Servants In Another City
The Family Values Legacy Could Continue With New Characters

While it’s far preferable for a Blue Bloods spinoff to involve the Reagans, the series’ end offered opportunities to start again with a new family of cops elsewhere. One idea is for the fire commissioner (Mira Sorvino) and her family to become central, as that would be analogous to the Reagan family being headed by the police commissioner. However, one of the reasons Blue Bloods ended is that it is expensive to film in New York, so it might be better for the series’ longevity to introduce a new family living in the Midwest or West Coast.

It’s best for the new family to have some connection to Blue Bloods so that it feels like a spinoff rather than a reboot with all-new characters.

Since Nicky lives in San Francisco, the new family could be cops that she knows through her advocacy work in California. Conversely, a minor character like Rachel Witten (Lauren Patten) could move to a new city and the show could be centered around her work and family issues. It’s best for the new family to have some connection to Blue Bloods so that it feels like a spinoff rather than a reboot with all-new characters.