1923 Season 2 Reveals The First Victim Of Yellowstone’S Infamous Train Station

Shortly after showing the origin of Yellowstone’s train station, 1923 season 2 revealed who the first person buried there was. Yellowstone’s train station is one of the most infamous parts of the show: it’s a small piece of land on the border between Montana and Wyoming that has a population of zero, making it the perfect place to dump a body. The Dutton family tree has evidently been using the train station for generations, as well, and they’ve killed anybody who threatened their ranch and disposed of their bodies at the train station for over a century.

1923 revealed the origins of the train station in episode 4, and by the ending of 1923 season 2, episode 5, it had already shown the first person to be dumped there. Donald Whitfield (Timothy Dalton) discovered the train station while he was looking at zoning maps of the area and noticed one parcel of land with no inhabitants. He deduced that it would be impossible to prosecute a crime committed in that area. Surprisingly, he got a chance to test out his theory almost as soon as he found it, and 1923 got a chance to show the first visitor to the train station.

1923 Reveals Christy Is The First Victim Of Yellowstone’s Train Station
Banner Creighton Dumped Christy’s Body At The Train Station On Donald Whitfield’s Orders

The first person whose corpse was ever disposed of at the train station was Christy (Cailyn Rice), one of the sex workers Donald Whitfield hired. Christy died after Lindy (Madison Elise Rogers) strangled her too hard during sex, and Whitfield ordered Banner Creighton to dispose of her body in the newfound train station. It was a continuation of Whitfield’s most controversial story in 1923, but it also gave the Duttons a prime opportunity to take the knowledge of the train station for themselves. Clearly, they made good use of it in the following century leading up to Yellowstone.

Who Yellowstone Has Sent To The Train Station
Everyone From Cowboys To Jamie Dutton Has Gone To The Train Station In Yellowstone

After five seasons of Yellowstone and now 1923, the bodies deposited at the train station have begun to pile up, both metaphorically and literally. There’s no telling the exact number of people who have been disposed of at the train station, but since the Duttons have been using it for 100 years, it’s safe to say there’s a veritable graveyard down there. Additionally, Christy’s death marks the eighth time the Yellowstone franchise has thrown somebody into the train station. Other notable members of the club include Wade Morrow, a Yellowstone season 3 antagonist, and Jamie Dutton, who joined at the end of Yellowstone.

It’s also worth noting that while the Yellowstone franchise has only shown eight people getting on the long black train, it’s likely not done yet. There’s a very good chance that Whitfield will go to the train station in 1923 season 2, as he likely has to die for the Duttons to maintain control of the Yellowstone. Additionally, Taylor Sheridan has several upcoming Yellowstone spinoffs, and while the Duttons don’t own the ranch anymore, they’ll always have enemies who need to be disposed of. The list of victims taken to the train station likely won’t end with 1923 season 2.