1923 Season 2 Is More Exciting After Helen Mirren’S Explanation About Harrison Ford’S “Magical” Acting Change In Recent Years

Helen Mirren’s recent comments about Harrison Ford made their upcoming work in 1923 season 2 even more exciting than it already was. Helen Mirren and Harrison Ford are the most prominent members of the cast of 1923, where they play married couple Cara and Jacob Dutton. Both of them are powerhouse characters and actors in their own right, but one of Helen Mirren’s comments about Harrison Ford made 1923 season 2 much more exciting. Her comments may even have a hint of what’s in store for the final chapter of the Yellowstone spinoff show.

After the ending of Yellowstone season 5, 1923 season 2 was already a highly anticipated new installment. Though Taylor Sheridan has more upcoming shows that include more Yellowstone spinoffs, 1923 will be the last glimpse at the Dutton family’s generational struggle to keep their land for a long time. It’s also exciting in its own right, as 1923 is a great show with an engaging story. If Helen Mirren’s comments are indicative of what’s in store, however, the show will only get better in its final season.

Helen Mirren’s Comments On Harrison Ford Are Promising For 1923
Mirren Said Ford Is “Magical” & Is “Absolutely Unafraid Of Expressing” His Feelings

Helen Mirren, who first worked with Harrison Ford in 1986, when they co-starred in The Mosquito Coast together, said that Ford has gone through a transformation as an actor in recent years. As Mirren said in an interview, Ford went from the “cool guy” actor to a much more vulnerable and real performer. Mirren also made note of a specific scene in 1923 season 1, when Jacob was bleeding out on the kitchen table at the Yellowstone, to highlight how much more real Ford’s acting is now.

“He was a huge star and he really didn’t want to be. He wanted to just be a quiet person getting on with life, and of course, that’s kind of impossible. Something rather magical has happened to Harrison, especially with his history of, you know, being the dude, the bloke, the fabulous action guy, the funny guy, the cool guy. Now there’s this open road to his inner feelings, which he is absolutely unafraid of expressing. It’s just a true, quick, instinctive emotional reaction to things, without sentimentality.

He’s been carried into the kitchen, dying and covered in blood, and later Harrison did say to me, ‘That was how I was after the accident.’ I think, maybe, going through that experience just gave him a very different understanding of what it is to be a sentient human being.”

The timing of Mirren’s comments about Ford’s “magical” acting also seem to suggest that something special is going to happen in 1923 season 2. Mirren and Ford reunited over two years ago in the first season of the show, so there’s likely something in 1923 season 2 that brought Ford’s new acting abilities to the forefront of her mind. That could be another big, emotional scene like Cara worrying over Jacob, or it could simply be a hint of their amazing on-screen chemistry. Either way, 1923 fans can almost certainly look forward to more great work from both Mirren and Ford.

What To Expect From Helen Mirren & Harrison Ford’s 1923 Characters In Season 2
Jacob & Cara Dutton Face Many More Troubles As Whitfield Continues His Assault

Harrison Ford’s ability to show his vulnerable and raw emotions should come in handy, based on the story 1923 is likely to tell. The ending of 1923 season 1 set up quite a few new challenges for Jacob, Cara, and the rest of the Dutton clan to face. Donald Whitfield (Timothy Dalton) informed the Duttons that he had paid the property taxes they still owed, and that if they couldn’t pay him back by the end of the year, their land would be his. Their feud with Banner Creighton (Jerome Flynn), however, left the Yellowstone with far fewer cattle than in years past.

On top of their money problems, the Duttons’ only hope of survival, Spencer (Brandon Sklenar), was arrested while on his way to America, and his journey home is far from over. With help still a long way away and Whitfield and Creighton slowly clamping down on them, Jacob and Cara will have a long list of worries and dangers to deal with in 1923. They’ll likely be in survival mode right from the beginning, and since they’ve already exhausted their legal options, there may be another deadly gunfight in their future.

1923 Season 2 Could Have A Tragedy For Helen Mirren & Harrison Ford
1923 Is Ending, So Cara & Jacob’s Fates Could Hang In The Balance

By nature of being a prequel show, there’s no question that Jacob and Cara will be able to keep the Yellowstone ranch safe from Whitfield and Creighton. What’s less certain, however, is whether they’ll both live to enjoy that victory, and what it will cost to protect their land. Ownership of the Yellowstone is going to have to transfer over to either Spencer or Jack (Darren Mann) at some point, which could happen because either Cara or Jacob die. It would also be a fittingly tragic end to 1923, and perfectly in keeping with the deaths at the end of another Yellowstone prequel, 1883.

There’s no question that Jacob and Cara will be able to keep the Yellowstone ranch safe from Whitfield and Creighton. What’s less certain, however, is whether they’ll both live to enjoy that victory, and what it will cost to protect their land.

Even if neither Cara nor Jacob die at the end of 1923 season 2, however, Harrison Ford could still get a chance to use his more emotionally raw acting. There’s still a hole in the Dutton family tree – as John Dutton II’s father could either be Spencer or Jack – which means only one of them needs to survive long enough to have a child. Jack and Elizabeth (Michelle Randolph) have already miscarried, and Spencer and Alexandra (Julia Schlaepfer) have yet to conceive a child. Jacob and Cara may have to mourn one another, or one of their nephews, by the end of 1923.