‘1923’: Did Alex Lose The Baby? Episode 5 Revealed The Truth

During Season 2, Episode 5 of 1923, Alex confirmed the status of her pregnancy, but forgive yourself if you missed it.

There was so much happening with and to her that her subtle gesture at the end was easy to overlook. It was definitive, however. Spoilers ahead, so come back to join this conversation if you have not yet watched.

Is Alex Still Pregnant?

There was reason to worry about Alex’s baby. At the start of Ep. 4, she puts a hand on her mid-section when telling her train car-mate that “he took everything.” Her look of despair would indicate she believed she’d lost the baby, even though the attack happened less than two minutes prior.

A conversation between Alexandra and that same woman at the end of Ep. 4 confirms that she is still with child. Her name is Mary, and she’s played by Lie to Me (FOX) star Hayley McFarland, whose Instagram page is a delight.

After Alex gets arrested for attacking the man who molested her, she’s released and spies Mary stealing her personal belongings. Earlier, Mary had talked about how she’d steal for her kids, and during this encounter she offers something along the lines of “You’ll see one day.”

Alex grabs Mary’s hand, puts it on her stomach and lets her know she already does get it.

This is great news for fans of Alex and Spencer, but also great news for anyone who loves talking about the Dutton Family Tree.

A Dutton Family Tree Clue That Everyone Missed

It’s still very possible that the line to John Dutton goes through Spencer now, but the truth remains to be seen. A regular viewer of our weekly recap videos said something about this that sounded strange at first.

“Spencer makes it home and saves the ranch, but loses his leg in the process,” says Feisty Old Gal 8257.

Flashback to Season 4, Ep. 2 of Yellowstone when John Dutton (Kevin Costner) told Jimmy about how his grandfather lost a leg. So, if someone loses a leg to end this series, we know that guy becomes John Dutton’s grandfather.